Friday, February 11, 2011

Trembesi (Samanea Saman)

Samanea saman is often referred to trembesi (Rain tree) is a plant protector which has many benefits. Rain Tree can last 2-4 months or longer in areas that have a rainfall of 40 mm / year (dry season) or even to live longer depending on the age, tree size, temperature and soil. Rain Tree also can live in areas with temperatures 20-300C, 25-380C maximum temperature, minimum 18-200C, which can be tolerated minimum temperature 80C.

In India this plant is called Enterolobium, Pithecolobium in Puerto Rico and Samanea in Ghana. This rain shade plants will grow 15-25 m (50-80 ft) in the open with a diameter of canopy (umbrella) is greater than height. One important use of the Rain tree in the Pacific and Latin America are as a shade tree that normally exist in the park, roadside, farmland, and grassland. In Walt Disney's "Swiss Family Robinson" built a tree house on top of a tall tree Rain Tree reaching 60 m and 80 m. The canopy dimater In Malagays, Rain Tree grow cover crops for cocoa, coffee, and vanilla patchouly. Rain Tree Utilization in Indonesia is only used as nutmeg, substitute bean sprouts, protective way, and urban forest. Whereas the utilization of Rain Tree can be more extensive. Rain Tree Wood can be developed as industrial or commercial timber, has a softer wood texture, light and strong. Rain Tree can be used for furniture, bowls craft materials, and interior decoration for home.

Based on research Hartwell (1967-1971) in Venezuela, Rain Tree roots can be used as an additional medication when a warm water bath to prevent cancer. Rain Tree leaf extract inhibits the growth of mikrobakterium Tuberculosis (Perry, 1980) which can cause abdominal pain. Rain Tree also can be used as cold medicine, headaches and bowel disease (Duke and Wain, 1981)

Rain Tree Breeding can be done in several ways, namely nursery (the method usually used), cutting branches, twigs, stem by means of transplantation. The process for large-scale breeding could use Rain Tree seeds by:

1. nursery seed without treatment

germination of seeds will grow well around 36-50% without treatment. Seed germination is not diperlakuan will grow in the first year of seed storage (Seed Storage)

1. bean seedlings treated with

nursery seed can be done by giving certain treatment on Rain Tree seeds to get better results and faster. There are 2 kinds of treatment (as I know) to get better results, namely:

include seeds in water for 1-2 minutes with a temperature of 800C (1760F) with water voluem 5x more than the volume of seeds, mix seeds and then dried. Soak seeds in warm water with a temperature of 30-400 C (86-1040F) for 24 hours. This method will membnatu 90-100% seed germination. (Craig and George, without year). Seed scarification (seed peeling) will appear 3-5 days after perlekuan to keep it in the shade with a constant water supply to help the growth of seeds.

Seeds are ready to be planted after germination.
When iru seedling length 20-30m. Seedlings that have a diameter> 10 mm can be more defensive than rain water. Approximate size when planting seeds which have a high when about 15-30 cm (6-12 inches) with root length about 10 cm (4 inches) and panjnag stems reach 20 cm (8 inches). Diamtaer stems from the seeds should reach 5-30mm. Planting can be done in the sand (the nursery) or at planting in polybags of size 10 × 20 cm with a composition of 3:1:1 (soil: sand: compost).

Care is needed to keep the seeds to grow seedlings for great especially from pests and wind. This treatment is done through Rain Tree becomes higher and ready to protect.

Literature Review:

Anonymous. Special profiles for Pacific Island Agroforesty.

Source: James A. Duke.1983. Handbook of Energy Crops. Unpublished. Samanea saman (jacq.) Merr. Mimosaceae Rain tree.

W. Staples, George and RE, Craig, Samanea saman (Rain Tree). Without Year.
Read phonetically

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